Receta Chocolate Mousse Souffle Cordon Bleu

- Heat oven to 475 F. Place chocolate and butter in a saucepan and allow to heat over low heat.
- Remove pan from heat and stir in egg yolks till chocolate thickens slightly. Pour into large mixing bowl.
- Beat egg whites till very hard, but stop short of allowing them to become dry.
- Stir a third of the whites into the chocolate mix to lighten it.
- Mix in the remainder quickly with bold strokes. It's better to leave a few pockets of white rather than overmix.
- Butter the inside of a low-sided one-qt souffle' mold and coat the surface lightly with granulated sugar. Pour in the mousse mix. There is no danger if you leave the souffle out for several min before putting it in the oven. You can even open the oven door while the souffle is cooking to turn or possibly move the mold if the top is rising unevenly. (Recipe may be done ahead to this point. Store in the refrigerator till ready to bake.)
- Place souffle in oven and bake for 5 min. Reduce heat to 425 F and continue baking 5 to 7 min more. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar and serve at once.
- NOTE: If you're in a time bind, the recipe done through Step 5 is an excellent chocolate mousse and needs no further cooking. Simply spoon it into serving dishes or possibly glasses.