Receta Chorba Fassia Or Fassi Chorba

- Preparation:Peel and cut the vegetables into little pcs(except for tomatoes), put them inside a boiler ,add in the meat cut in little pcs plus the vegetables(except for tomatoes with parsley,crushed onion,oil salt, pepper and saffron ;then add in 2 litres of water, put the boiler on fire until boiling.
- Remove the tomatoes stem attachment, wash them and plunge them for 1 minute into boiled water before peeling them, crush the pulp with a fork in a pan, put the tomatoes in the boiler and miw, cover the boiler and leave it cook on a medium fire for 60 min 10 min before serving, throw vermicelli in rain , cover and leave it to cook.serve as soon as it is cooked.
- Soup of Vegetables originally from Fes city