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Receta Cinnamon spiced coffee mousse – pure bliss !
by sukanya

TGI Friday and its dessert time now ! It may sound cliché but actually I was searching = thinking = planning to have a good mousse for a long time. The first and the last time I had something like mousse was this strawberry mousse but when it comes to fruit mousse, you ( Or I ) don’t bother about the texture really ! The mind accepts everything which is fruity in flavour and with some whipped cream you can literally gather all the accolades. But with chocolate and coffee it is different story altogether.

I am yet to make a perfect chocolate mousse but before venture into this I would like to have something called ”coffee mousse” to which purist may argue until the end of time ! Coffee and tea are like two religion sect in the history of food, you have to follow one or other . With tea I have many emotional baggage but with coffee I have none. So thought of becoming little adventurous with the coffee and try to whip (not brew) the strong flavours of coffee in a mug without any hint of chocolate. Yes you read it right ! I repeat without any hint of chocolate.

Most of the coffee / mocha / espresso / cappuccino mousse I have come across all have some inclination towards the chocolate and why not as they both complement each other so beautifully ! But here, coffee goes solo and is not regretting either ! This will appeal more to the pure coffee aficionados, who prefers to have it pure, strong with a very distinct aroma of coffee beans.

Mocha, espresso, cafe latte, cappuccino, instant, filter coffee or anything that you follow, start with it, and I will suggest you to go with brown or turbinado sugar as it brings nice color to it too. Gelatin helps to set the mousse better and I know without it too you can make a good mousse, that needs little experimenting, as of now I will prefer to use gelatin. And vegan can go for agar-agar. Mousse without eggs also exist, but when it comes to food I will suggest you to follow your preferences and instincts. But then you can not compare the texture and flavour. Hence for me eggs are essential and integral to the mousse, the yolks and the whipped egg whites does adds a light and foamy texture to the mousse which is so distinguishable of mousse characteristics.

Lets gather these ingredients. I have used instant coffee powder, you can use your concoction ! Now if you like to get the espresso effect, just in boiling water add the instant coffee powder and whisk it till you get little emulsion on the surface. This was the technique we used to follow in our good old college days when a cup of strong coffee was all that we needed. Remember lot can happen over coffee ;-)

Dissolve the gelatin in a tablespoon of cold water and let it soften.

Whisk together the brown sugar and egg yolks till the sugar melts.

Whisk together the cinnamon, half n half milk (feels me better that I am not using full cream !) milk and coffee in a pot and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until it just starts steaming.

Add few tablespoon of this warm milk to the egg-sugar mixture and blend it really well. And add it back to the pan of warm milk and stir it well. Cook on low heat and add the softened gelatin and stir it well.

Now leave the pan to cool thoroughly. Beat the egg whites into medium stiff peaks (will take around 10 minutes) and if you want to make meringues, stay tuned until our next post where we will show you how to make crunchy and fluffy meringues.

Beat the heavy cream too and fold them in the cooled milk – egg mixture until no-marbling effects are visible.

Pour immediately into the dessert pots or cups and set to chill for at least 5 hours or overnight.

Serve it with chocolate coated coffee beans and with some whipped cream if you may wish. Enjoy it chilled !!!

Recipe: Cinnamon spiced coffee mousse

Summary: cinnamon spiced coffee mousse dessert and its so light and foamy that you can not stop at one spoon.



Dissolve the gelatin in a tablespoon of cold water and let it soften.

In a separate bowl whisk together the brown sugar and egg yolks till the sugar melts.

Whisk together the cinnamon, half n half milk and coffee in a pot and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until it just starts steaming.

Add few tablespoon of this warm milk to the egg-sugar mixture and blend it really well. And add it back to the pan of warm milk and stir it well.

Cook on low heat and add the softened gelatin and stir it well.

Now leave the pan to cool thoroughly.

Beat the egg whites into medium stiff peaks.

Beat the heavy cream too into soft peaks.

Fold them (egg white + whipped cream) in the cooled milk – egg mixture until no-marbling effects are visible.

Pour immediately into the dessert pots or cups and set to chill for at least 5 hours or overnight.

Serve the coffee mousse chilled .

Quick notes

Eggs are separated best when they are cold. Fold the egg whites and whipped cream into the milk-egg mixture only when the mixture is thoroughly cooled, otherwise marbling effects will remain visible. Do not overbeat the heavy cream, it will get separated. Watch it closely.


This recipe can be the base to make basic chocolate mousse. You can try with other spices too to accentuate the flavours in this mousse. Or you can make black and cappuccino layer mousse.

Preparation time: 30 minute(s)

Cooking time: 30 minute(s) + 5hours or overnight chilling

Number of servings (yield): 3 – 4

Culinary tradition: French

My rating 5 stars: ★★★★★ 1 review(s)

Want to know who inspires us to make this heavenly mousse. Then hop it over here. May we present this for a romantic candle light dinner ! Go and impress someone you love ! And if you are not a coffee person then simply replace it with chocolate ! A layered double chocolate mousse is on the cards !!! You will have winner in both the case.

Have a yummy weekend ! and stay tuned until next !
