Receta Cj's Simple Carrot Cake

- Sunday" programme this week because he was crook. Chris Jensen, now at the ABC station in Toowoomba but former presenter of "Qld Sunday" from Rockhampton, was called in at short notice to supply a recipe for the masses. Here it is ("Very simple carrot cake" according to CJ):
- Mix all of the above in a bowl then dump in a prepared baking tin. Bake in oven at 350 F/180 C till cooked (time not specified :-(
- Hint: When cooked, turn oven off and let the cake cold till it is cold sufficient to handle without oven mitts, then wrap cake and tin in gladwrap and set it aside till cold sufficient to apply icing (assuming you want to, otherwise I assume you just let it cold right down while wrapped, before eating or possibly storing). This makes for a nice moist cake.