Receta Clam Chower - New England Style...
It seems only appropriate I post this recipe the day after the elections...after all, New England contributed greatly to the win last night! I'll get to the recipe in a bit, but first I must sound off about something...President Obama is our president, like it or not, and I support him and will pray for him because I am an American, and no matter who is president, I will always be a proud American. I was shocked last night, not by the outcome, but by the hateful things I read on Facebook...several people wrote they were ashamed to be American...I felt so sorry for them...I love my country, and while I don't always love who runs it, I cannot ever imagine a scenario where I would be ashamed to be an American! I came across this picture a few weeks back while I was visiting my parents, it's of my mom and Orrin Hatch, who last night was re-elected to the U.S. Senate for the state of Utah for the fiftieth (or so it seems) proof that we need term limits! The signature says, "To my friend Carol, with warm regards, Orrin USS-Utah". The picture was taken maybe 30 or even 40 years ago? Congrats to Senator Hatch and to my mom, who looks as great today as she did then...If only SHE was the won who was re-elected! Then we'd have real hope and change!
I'm done with my soapbox, moving on...there is just nothing more comforting this time of year than a hot, steaming bowl of Clam Chowder! The boy and I agree on this 100%...he is a seafood lover all the way, which is so odd to me because he grew up on canned tuna! But I love clam chowder as much as he does and we always order it when we go out to eat. Living in the Northwest we get great clam chowder in almost any I have resisted making it at home. When I came across this recipe I knew our days of ordering clam chowder out were numbered - it has everything in it that I love! The boy and I went to Uwayimaya for fresh clams - they didn't have Cherrystone clams like the recipe called for so we ended up with Manilla clams, as if we would know the difference! And the boy happily cooked and shelled the clams for me...while his girlfriend looked on in disgust...yes, she's still in the picture, but I've been sworn to secrecy on that score! Sauteed celery, onion, garlic with potatoes, cream and crispy bacon...mmm-mmm good!
By the time the chowder was done we were circling the kitchen like sharks on a was recently pointed out to me, when you enter the water you enter the food chain! If you think you don't like clam chowder - think again...this creamy, hearty soup will cure what ails you and if you don't like clams, just pick them out and pass them to your nearest clam-eating will be a happy compromise!
To go with our chowder, I also made some Boston Brown Bread which proved to be the perfect accompaniment...that recipe will be posted tomorrow - you're going to want it!
Clam Chowder - New England Style - Adapted From Bon Appetit, November 2012
4 lbs. Manilla clams, scrubbed (the original recipe called for 8 lbs. Cherrystone clams - 8 lbs. just seemed like too, too many and we couldn't find Cherrystone so we substituted Manilla clams.
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 8 oz. bacon, cut into 1/2" pieces
- 2 celery stalks, minced
- 1 large onion, minced
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 2 1/2 lbs. Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled, cut into 1/2" pieces
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1 cups heavy cream
- Kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste, chopped chives and Oyster crackers, optional
Bring clams and 4 cups water to a boil in a large pot over high heat. Cook until clams just open, 8 to 10 minutes (discard any that do not open). Using a large slotted spoon, transfer clams to a large rimmed baking sheet; set broth aside. Let clams cool slightly, then pull meat from shells, discard shells.
Chop clams into bite-size pieces. Strain broth through a fine-mesh sieve set over a large bowl (to remove any bits of sand). Add water if needed to measure 6 cups. (Clams and broth can be made one day ahead; cover separately and chill.)
Melt butter in a large heavy pot over medium heat. Add bacon and cook, stirring occasionally, until fat is rendered and bacon begins to brown, about 8 minutes. Add celery, onion, and garlic and cook, stirring often until onion is translucent, about 10 minutes. Add reserved broth (or 6 cups bottled clam juice), potatoes, thyme, and bay leaf. Bring chowder base to a simmer; cook until potatoes are tender, 20 to 25 minutes. Stir cornstarch and 2 tablespoons water into a small bowl to form a slurry. Stir slurry into chowder base; return to a boil to thicken. (Base can be made one day ahead. Let cool; cover and chill. Keep clams chilled. Bring base to a simmer before continuing.)
Remove base from heat; Discard bay leaf. Stir in reserved clams (or two 10-oz. cans baby clams) and cream. Season with salt, if needed ( the brininess of clams can vary), and pepper - we like a lot of pepper! Divide chowder among bowls. Garnish with chives and oyster crackers, if desired. Seves 8.