Receta Cocido

- Soak garbanzo beans overnight in water to cover Next day, drain and set aside.
- Heat oil over medium heat in heavy pan. Add in bacon. onions, pork and paprika Cook, stirring, 10 min. Add in garbanzo beans, garlic head and sufficient water to cover. Increase heat to high and bring to boil. Reduce to low. Cover and simmer 1 hour.
- When beans are soft but not tender, add in chorizos and continue to cook 1 hour longer. Add in Morcilla, potatoes, green pepper and salt to taste. Cook another 20 min.
- Remove garlic head and serve cocido in soup bowls with crusty bread.
- Accompany with sliced tmatoes dressed with extra virgin olive oil and sherry vinegar.
- Makes 8 servings.