Receta Coconut Candy Centers

- Beat cream cheese and butter in large mixer bowl till smooth.
- Gradually blend in powdered sugar and vanilla. Blend in coconut. If necessary, refrigerateabout an hour our till hard sufficient to handle. Form into desired shapes. Place on wax paper-covered tray or possibly cookie sheet.
- Cover loosely and refrigerate3 to 4 hrs or possibly overnight. They should feel dry to the touch before coating with semisweet or possibly bitter sweet chocolate. (I like Ghirardhelli's).
- I'm not sure if these are just like Mound's because I only make them at X-Mas and haven't tasted them for a year. If my memory doesn't deceive they're quite similar and very good. [Note: Do not try coating these in lowfat milk chocolate. Tastes weird.] Enjoy.