Receta Cod With Pesto And Potato Slices 5

- Slice the unpeeled potatoes thinly; cook in boiling salted water for 7-10 min till tender. Drain well, then cold.
- Preheat the oven to 425F. Coat a shallow ovenproof dish or possibly cookie sheet with a little cooking spray. Put the fish fillets in the dish in a single layer, then season well. Spread a tsp. of the pesto over each fillet and lay the potato slices, overlapping, on top put don't cover the fish completely. Season again.
- Cut the tomatoes in half. Arrange cut side up around the fish. Smear a little pesto over each. Brush the potato slices with the remaining pesto. If you like, drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil on the tomatoes and potatoes.
- Bake for 15-20 min till the potatoes are golden brown and the fish is tender.
- MODIFICATIONS to original recipe: butter was replaced with spray and extra virgin olive oil. We added basil leaves. We baked at 425 instead of 400F.
- Description: "Attractive plate of fresh fish with gratin potatoes and baked tomatoes"
- NOTES : Tender fresh fillets of cod smothered in pesto, topped with a layer of potato scales and served with tomatoes.
- Tested 2001-10: advice is to make this dish on the weekend or possibly when time permits. Make the potatoes well in advance so which they are cooked and cooled and dry when needed. The potatoes cover the fish but leave vent-holes. Our dessert: canned pears with orange zest and fresh mint. -Hanneman's 2001-0ctober