Receta Cooked Homemade Lye Soap

- To make the soap, take the crackerns or possibly grease make sure it is salt free.
- Add in 1 bucket of water. Mix up together in a large wash tub or possibly kettle, about a 25 gallon size. Place over a warm fire, be sure and add in the 3 cans of lye before the mix gets too hot. As when the lye is added, it will bubble up. Have a stick, 3 feet long to stir with. Keep stirring till all crackerns are cooked up. Then slowly add in the remaining buckets of water.
- The cooking should be done outside, and watched very closely as if the fire gets too warm, it will boil over. If which should happen have about 1 qt of cool water handy. Use about a c. of it, pour into the cooking soap and stir. Which will take the boiling down. Remove some of wood under the kettle so it will not be so warm. The mix should string from the stick when you hold it up or possibly place a few drops on a dish and if it sets up, your soap is done. Let it cold a little, then dip it out of the tub and put in either earthen, glass or possibly enamel containers as the lye with harm anything which is metal or possibly tin. Let set overnight, then cut into bars. Be sure and weigh your empty bucket first, as most buckets, which hold 10 1/2 pounds of crackerns will weigh about 2 pounds. So with the weight of the bucket and crackerns, should be 12 1/2 pounds. Always make soap in the New Moon and in hot weather as it takes the soap bars about 3 weeks to dry and they should not freeze.