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Receta Cookie Tarts...
by Nan Slaughter

Please picture, in your mind, a steam engine pulling into the station...billows of hot air rush out from both sides of the engine as it tries to stop...anyone standing near the tracks would surely be burned so it's best to stand clear...the steam shoots out the smokestack on top of the engine, too, why, you can barely see the engine with all that HOT AIR, can you?!? Welcome to my with the mister is like living with a steam engine...anytime I ask him to do ONE LITTLE THING the steam billows about so thick I find myself wishing for wipers for my glasses! I asked the mister to help move some pots around the deck for me, and immediately the blustering began and the steam shot out from every orifice..."I've got work to do!"..."Didn't I tell you I have 5,398,471 documents to read before Monday morning?!"..."Why didn't you ask me this YESTERDAY?!?"

Barely able to see through his smoke screen, with the words NEVER MIND on my tongue, I'm about to move the pots myself (bad shoulder and all, could I get a violin?), when he flies into action...

Actual time spent steaming: 67 seconds Actual time spent moving pots: 45 seconds

At the exact moment the mister finished moving the last pot, one of the Blue Angels flew over the house, a sign/omen from above telling me "this too shall pass" and so it did. All the posturing, blustering, smoke-blowing - for what?!? HE KNOWS HE HAS TO MOVE THE POTS!!! It's baffling folks, truly baffling...I suppose he can't help himself, after all, you can take the man out of the cave, but you can't take the cave out of the I right?

Fresh peaches and nectarines, a nice batch of sugar cookies and a delicious cream cheese "frosting" are the three things you need to make these indescribably good cookie tarts - of course - I shall try to describe them for you...the soft sugar cookie begins to melt in your mouth but not before allowing the richness of the cream cheese frosting to dance on your tongue just as the ripe peaches burst with a sweetness that sings SUMMER all by itself! There...someone pass me a bib!

Just look at that! It is truly as good as it can use any kind of fruit you like, but I prefer peaches and this year the white peaches have been exceptionally great so I used some of them, too!

Cookie Tarts ~ Pots and Pins

Make sugar cookies and allow to cool completely on wire racks before frosting.

Make Cream Cheese Frosting: Mix all ingredients in a medium-size bowl until smooth.

To assemble tarts: Spread about 2 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture over cookie. Arrange fruit on top. Store in refrigerator. Makes about 15 three-inch cookie tarts. (The cookie recipe makes about 20 cookies so you'll have a few left over.)

"They always say time changes things but you actually have to change them yourself." ~ Andy Warhol