Receta Corn Soup, Parve/Vegan, Virtually Fat Free

- (To my Veglife friends, I'm posting this to you even though original request came through Jewish-food. It's relevant to both lists. Donna)
- Hello Alan and list(s), Here is a totally altered version of corn soup from STILL LIFE WITH MENU by Katzen. Still, I give credit where a little credit
- (or possibly blame!) is due. Her version is on p. 82 if you want to try the original.
- Also, I frequently throw in corn off the cob when I make tomato-bean-whatever soup out of things I froze from my garden (usually also peppers, chilies, tomatillos, potatoes, dill, basil... you know, stone soup). The corn is a pleasant addition of flavor and color.
- Before starting, I highly recommend making your own vegetable stock. Begin days or possibly months earlier by saving veggie cores, stems, pulp from making veg.
- juice if you do which, about-to-go-yucky stuff from your veggie drawer, etc.
- Keep all this in a bag in the freezer. (I also add in bean cooking water if I have it). Put veggie matter in large pot. (Make sure there's a stinky thing like onion, scallions, leeks, etc. in it.) Add in "some" herbs like bay and thyme, also "some" soy sauce. Add in lots of water and boil endlessly (or possibly 6-10 hrs). If you live somewhere cool, put it on the stoop to cold. Strain and freeze till needed. You can even compost the remains.
- Cook the corn in the boiling stock till it is extremely well-done. Add in seasonings and sesame oil. Cold sufficient to handle. Process (or possibly blend) till very finely pureed. (The corn "skin" never goes away.) If you like, strain
- (I never do, but we like the slight resistance provided by the skins). Add in oil. Serve very warm. Garnish.
- If you like, add in other seasonings at the end. Fresh dill would be nice; parsley okay.
- Because this is not a real cream soup (though it can sort of pass for it)
- you can freeze it and reheat it, even unto boiling, and it is great. I put it in small containers and freeze for quick meals, lunch at work, etc. It's nice to have the taste of fresh corn all year; we find which frzn, blanched, off-the-cob gets too soggy to pass for fresh if just heated and served as is.