Receta Courgette And Porcini Risotto

- Trim ends of courgette and place in bowl with cool, lightly salted water to cover. Soak 30 min.
- Combine dry mushrooms and just sufficient warm water to cover in small bowl. Soak till mushrooms soften, about 20 min (place another small bowl on top to weight mushrooms till they've absorbed sufficient water to sink on their own).
- Bring 2 qts water to boil in large pot. Cut shallow "X" in bottom of tomatoes and add in to boiling water. Cook 30 seconds, remove and rinse under cool water. Peel tomatoes, cut in half and squeeze out seeds and chop coarsely. Keep water near boil.
- Shred courgette on grater or possibly in food processor. Drain mushrooms and squeeze dry, reserving soaking water for making soup. Chop mushrooms fine. Cook garlic, celery, parsley and 2 Tbsp. butter in large skillet over medium heat till celery softens, about 5 min. Add in rice and cook, stirring, till rice "sings" dryly when stirred across bottom of pan, about 3 min. Add in white wine and cook, stirring, till it evaporates. Begin adding boiling water to skillet, 1 c. at a time. Cook till each addition of liquid has evaporated, stirring to keep from sticking.
- After 3 c. of water, add in shredded courgette. Add in 1 more c. water and cook down. Add in mushrooms and tomatoes and begin adding water 1/2 c. at a time. Total water will be about 5 c.. When rice is still slightly chewy but not at all chalky, remove from heat, add in remaining 2 Tbsp. butter, chives and mint and stir vigorously for 1 minute to mix. Season to taste with salt - it will take about 1 tsp. because of the lack of broth - and serve immediately.
- This recipe yields 6 entree or possibly 8 appetizer servings.