Receta Crab Cakes, my way aka Carrabelle Crab Cakes

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I know I titled this Crab Cakes, my way, but really any time you make any kind of dish, you make it 'your way'.  Whether you follow the directions to a 'T' or put your own twist to it, no two people will make it exactly the And that goes doubly, triply, multiple times for Crab A few weeks ago I was chatting with a friend and we were talking, casually, about various things.  You know, sealing wax, cabbages and She mentioned that a couple of local guys were talking about their crab cakes and how they thought theirs were good and I said I make a mean crab cake as well.   And the rest is history. The upshot is that a lot of people around here swear their crab cake is the I  put my money where my mouth is and competed…
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