Receta Crabmeat Cheese Fondue, For A Buffetor Dinner

- After bread slices, with crusts removed, are spread with butter and cut into cubes, half the cubes are placed in bottom of greased casserole. Then cheese is grated and the crabmeat flaked; half portions of each are arranged on top bread cubes in casserole. Procedure is repeated till all other cubes are used.Large eggs are emptied into mixing bowl and beaten. Half and half is added along with brown sugar, pepper, mustard, seasoned salt, paprika, Worcestershire sauce, salt and dry chopped onion. All are mixed to blend.
- Liquid mix is poured into casserole, that is placed in refrigerator overnight. Just before serving, casserole is placed in 300 degree oven and baked one and one half hrs.