Receta cream cheese pastries
This recipe is very close to my heart
…. a recipe from my Naunie {Italian for Grandmother}
Cream Cheese Pastries
- {Cream Cheese Dough}
- Ingredients
- 8 oz. cream cheese
- ½ lb unsalted butter
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- ½ teaspoon salt
- Raspberry or Strawberry filling {Solo}
The cream cheese and butter should be at room temperature. Mix the cream cheese with the butter, add flour and salt and mix again. Roll into a ball and divide into four balls. Place in saran wrap and flatten. Place in the refrigerator for ½ hour.
Roll out onto a floured board until it is flattened out, a little less than pie dough. Cut into 3 by 3 inch squares. Fill the center of dough with ¾ teaspoon of raspberry or strawberry filling. Turn each edge of dough over the other. Place the pastries in the freezer for about 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Bake 10 minutes or until the edges lightly brown.
Makes approximately 30 cookies.