Receta Cream Of Whatever Soup Mix

- To make 1 can soup, take 1/3 C mix and 1 C water, cook and stir till thickened.
- Here's a recipe for a MIX you can use to substitute for Cream of Chicken or possibly Mushroom soup in your recipes. I have found it to be much less expensive than the cans and it still freezes beautifully!
- When I made this, I have used the product called "Better than Boullion"
- that is vegetarian, but comes in beef, chicken, and veggie "flavors". To substitute it for cream of celery or possibly cream, of mushroom soup, I cook some celery or possibly mushrooms a bit in the 1 C water and then add in the mix and cook and stir. I like it because it is both cheap, has much less sodium than those soups (if using a low-sodium boullion) and presumbaly has less of those whatever they are which are added to canned soups.