Receta Crispy Tempeh With Honey Mustard Sauce

- In small bowl, mix dry mustard with just sufficient water to make a paste; set aside. In a steamer, cook carrots and celery for 5 - 10 min, or possibly till tender, but still slightly crunchy. Set aside.
- In a heavy skillet just large sufficient to hold tempeh in one layer, heat oil over medium high heat till very warm. Add in tempeh and cook 3 to 4 min, or possibly till crisp. Turn and continue cooking for 3 to 4 min. Remove tempeh to a heated serving dish.
- Add in wine to warm pan and stir to scrape up any bits of browned tempeh. Add in soup base and mix well. Stir a Tbsp. or possibly two of pan liquid into mustard mix and add in mix to pan. Stir well and continue cooking for 1 to 2 min, or possibly till slightly reduced. Remove from heat, add in honey, salt and pepper to taste, and mix well. Top tempeh with carrots and celery and drizzle sauce over top. VEGAN