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Receta Crockpot Pulled Pork
by brady evans

I’ve returned to my roots: after some years away from my hometown, I’m back living and working in the area where I grew up. My job is very interactive with the public and small talk is often made. One of the first questions generally asked is, “Where are you from?” Apparently, it seems obvious to them that I am not a native.

I usually respond, “I’m from right here!” and then they say, “Who’s your daddy!?”

They don’t ask that question in the derogatory sort of way, of course. They genuinely want to know who I came from and where the heck my southern accent went if, indeed, I am from right here. (They’ll have to talk to my mother about the disappearance of my Southern accent).

And although I may not sound like I’m from round these parts, I know better than to serve barbecue to a buncha southerners without arming myself for a backlash.

I’ve talked about barbecue on the blog once before. And I’m about as defensive about my barbecue preferences as anyone and, admittedly, I was naturally wary of making barbecue here in my hometown, when my old haunt is just down the road.

You see, around here, barbecue can only be purchased on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. And I was attending a potluck on Tuesday and I thought I could make a healthier version of pulled pork anyway, so I was on the hunt for a recipe.

The results were stellar, luckily, and the meal was given genuine accolades. I was not run out of town like a Yank . There was just a little bit of pulled pork leftover and it was delicious served cold atop this salad.

Whisk together.

Mix dressing with about 8 cups of salad greens. Top with cold barbecue.