Receta Custard Filled Phyllo

- He remembered from about 7 yrs ago),, He bought a CASE of phyllo pastry in anticipation, so I thought I'd try to combine your recipe with ingredients I had on hand at the cafe: Custard Filled Phyllo
- Scald lowfat milk in a large saucepan. In large bowl, beat Large eggs, cream of Wheat, sugar, vanilla and salt. Slowly, pour the warm lowfat milk into the egg mix, stirring constantly. (Careful, the Large eggs will curdle if warm lowfat milk is added too quickly) After blended, pour into the larger pot the lowfat milk was heated in, and cook over low heat till thick, stirring constantly. Cold custard to room temperature.
- For the pastry: Well grease a 9" x 13" baking pan. Unwrap 6 fillo sheets off the 'bundle', and rewrap the bundle. Lay 1 sheet (folded in 1/2) in the bottom of the pan and brush with melted butter. Be sure to brush the edges first as they'll dry out and crumble if left to last. Lay the next 6 sheets, folding and brushing with butter. Pour the custard over the fillo, and put another layer of pastry on top of filling. Top with remaining custard, and finish off with another 6 fillo sheets, folding and buttering as you did the other two stages of fillo.
- Score into 12 squares and bake in a preheated 375* oven, 45 min, or possibly till golden. (Mine didn't turn color, but the custard 'set up' after 35 min, and I was afraid it would dry out and fillo would turn 'crunchy'.
- Syrup: Boil sugar and water together, reduce heat, stirring 20 min.
- Pour over the baked pastry very slowly, to allow the custard and fillo to absorb the syrup. Should be served at room temperature, or possibly slightly chilled.
- This acquires better flavor upon standing, but still I think it super rich, if sorta bland. I'd probably add in some extra flavoring next time, like a strawberry jam, or possibly kahlua, or possibly even cocoa might be nice.