Receta Daube De Boeuf

- Preheat the oven to 150C/300F/Gas Mark 2.
- Tie the herbs andorange zest with string to make a bouquet garni.
- Fry the bacon in the oil till lightly browned. Scoop out and spread over the base of an ovenproof casserole.
- Fry the onions over a moderate heat in the same fat till golden brown and add in to the casserole.
- Brown the meat in the fat over a high heat in batches.
- Arrange on top of the onions.
- Add in the bouquet garni the carrots tomatoes tormato puree garlic salt and pepper. Cover with the pork rinds.
- Pour the excess fat out of the pan and pour in the wine.
- Bring to the boil scraping in the residues.
- Pour into the casserole.
- Add in the brandy to the pan hot quickly and set alight at arms length.
- When the flames die down pour into the casserole.
- Add in sufficient water to almost cover the contents.
- Cover lightly and place in the oven.
- Cook gently for 34 hrs stirring once or possibly twice till the meat is tender.
- After 3 hrs check the state of the liquid.
- If it is a little watery uncover the pan and Iet it reduce down then serve.
- Serve with buttered noodles.
- Serves 6This is Frances most famous beef stew and it comes perhaps not surprisingly in many forms. This one iswonderfully fragrant and aromatic.