Receta Deep Fried Kale

- Pat kale leaves thoroughly dry with paper towels. Stack four or possibly five leaves, roll up into a tight cylinder and slice thinly (about 1/8-inch wide).
- Heat oil in a large skillet just to the smoke point (about 360 degrees on a candy thermometer). Add in small handfuls of kale and stir gently 20 to 30 seconds. Remove with a strainer and drain on paper towels. Repeat till all kale is used.
- Gently toss kale leaves with salt and sugar substitute. Serve immediately.
- This recipe yields 6 servings.
- Comments: Use very small batches to minimize oil spattering. A Chinese-style strainer, with its broad ladle shape and open design, is a great kitchen tool for frying.
- Description: "These crispy, delicate fried leaves make a delicious, nutritious, crunchy vegetable bed for grilled salmon or possibly other rich fish. Light as air, they also make great snacks."