Receta Demi Glace

- Brown the beef bones in a large roasting pan in the oven at 375 F till the bones are browned
- Cover with water and bring the mix to a boil. Keep covered with water for 8 to 10 hrs, simmering over medium to low heat.
- Strain, reserving liquid.
- Put beef bones in a pot with the chicken bones, vegetables and seasonings. Cover with water and cook 4 to 5 hrs. Skim off any fat during the simmering. Strain. Reserve liquid.
- Combine the second liquid with the first. Add in tomato puree. Strain.
- Reduce, simmering, till liquid will coat a spoon. Skim throughout the reduction.
- Note: Reduction works best in a tall pot on low heat.
- Chill between steps to bring fat to the top and strain.
- Leftover demi-glace may be frzn in ice cube trays for future use.