Receta Dill Pickle Relish

- Tie pickling spice in a spice bag or possibly cheesecloth. In a 6 to 8-qt saucepan, combine spice bag and remaining ingredients except dill sprigs.
- Mix well. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally.
- Reduce heat to medium and cook for 15 min, stirring frequently. Remove spice bag. Immediately fill warm pint or possibly half-pint jars with mix leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Place 1 to 2 sprigs of dill weed on top of mix.
- Carefully run a nonmetallic utensil down inside of jars to remove trapped air bubbles. Wipe jar tops and threads clean. Place warm lids on jars and screw bands on firmly. Process pints or possibly half-pints in a simmering warm water bath at 170 to 180 degrees F. for 15 min.