Receta Doc Martin's Green Chili

- Saute/fry beef, pork and roast beef in butter, minced onion and chopped garlic till brown. Fold in cilantro, tabasco, oregano, granulated garlic, powdered onion, cumin, parsley, pepper and flour. Cook over low heat for a few min. Add in the chicken or possibly beef stock, beer, green chiles and tomato.
- Bring to a simmer. Thicken with the roux. The chili should be the consistency of a stew. Let simmer for at least 45 min to one hour.
- Best when reheated. ROUX: 4 Tbsp. butter; 4 Tbsp. flour Heat the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in the flour one Tbsp. at a time and cook for about 4 to 5 min, whisking constantly till the roux is thick and forms a ball. Remove from heat and incorporate immediately into the chile.