Receta Double Chocolate Brownies with Salted Caramel Icing in a Jar

- Preheat oven to 350.
- Melt butter and chocolate together in the microwave stirring in short intervals. Mix together until fully combined. Cool slightly.
- Beat togther eggs, vanilla, sugar and cocoa powder in a mixer until combined. Add chocolate mixture, beat until just combined.
- Add flour, backing powder, salt and chocolate chunks to the chocolate mixture and mix until the batter is totally incorporated.
- Pour batter into 6 buttered 5 ounce jam jars. Bake the jars on a cookie sheet for 20 to 25 minutes or until the top springs back when touched. Allow to cool completely before forsting.
- To make Frosting:
- In a small sauce pan combine the sugar and water. Bring it to a boil and cook it, without stirring utnil it turns a dark amber. About 7 minutes. Once it darkens turn off the heat and remove pan from the stovetop.
- Stir in heavy cream and vailla cery carefully, stirring well even as it bubbles. Then allow to cool.
- While the caramel is cooling beat the butter and salt until smooth and creamy. Then add confectioners sugar and beat until well incorporated. Turn off the mixer and pour in the caramel and beat everything until it is light and fluffy.