Like many weekend nights, we try to make something extra special after the kids go to sleep (usually something with more spice and kick to it) and this time we made some delicious dubu kimchi (tofu with sauteed kimchi). The best part about this dish is its simplicity and ingredients (basically two), and since most Koreans have a ready supply of kimchi, this dish can be made as a quick banchan side dish. However, most Koreans usually eat this as an anju (Korean drinking side dish) using kimchi (the older the better) and firm tofu. We love this dish because it has a nice balance of flavors and texture--spicy and sour kimchi combined with the soft and smooth texture of tofu. The tofu can be either boiled whole or pan-fried depending on your taste buds, but we always go with the latter in order to get that slightly crunchy exterior. And with most of our dishes, we always add some sort of protein like pork or beef, which makes it a hearty snack for us non-vegetarians. Though we are trying to cut back on our meat consumption, it didn't happen on this particular night.