Receta Duck A La Sandy - Detailed Nutritional Facts

Nutritional information for the following ingredients is not included. Normally this is because the ingredient is unknown, the measurement is imprecise e.g. “to taste”, or the ingredient is optional).
2 jars cherry jelly
Learn more about how we calculate nutritional information, and always consult a registered dietician or your physician before embarking on any diet plan which relies on these numbers, and for any other questions.
Amount Per Serving
12 servings in recipe
orange juice
Total Per Serving Total for Recipe
Protein (g) 17.48 0.29 17.77 213.24
Total Fat (g) 59.86 0.08 59.94 719.28
Carbohydrates (g) 0.0 4.3 4.3 51.6
Ash (g) 1.03 0.17 1.2 14.4
Calories (kcal) 614.726 18.6 633.326 7599.912
Starch (g) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Sucrose (g) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Glucose (dextrose) (g) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Fructose (g) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Lactose (g) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Maltose (g) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Alcohol (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Water (g) 73.8 36.5 110.29 1323.48
Caffeine (mg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Theobromine (mg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sugars (g) 0.0 3.47 3.47 41.64
Galactose (g) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Dietary Fiber (g) 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.2
Calcium (mg) 16.738 4.547 21.284 255.408
Iron (mg) 3.65 0.08 3.73 44.76
Magnesium (mg) 22.824 4.547 27.371 328.452
Phosphorus (mg) 211.502 7.027 218.529 2622.348
Potassium (mg) 318.014 82.667 400.681 4808.172
Sodium (mg) 95.861 0.413 96.274 1155.288
Zinc (mg) 2.07 0.02 2.09 25.08
Copper (mg) 0.365 0.017 0.382 4.584
Manganese (mg) 0.03 0.004 0.035 0.42
Selenium (mcg) 18.9 0.0 18.9 226.8
Vitamin A, IU (IU) 255.629 82.667 338.295 4059.54
Retinol (mcg) 76.08 0.0 76.08 912.96
Vitamin A, RAE (mcg_RAE) 76.08 4.133 80.213 962.556
Beta Carotene (mcg) 0.0 13.64 13.64 163.68
Vitamin E (mg) 1.07 0.02 1.08 12.96
Vitamin D (IU) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Lycopene (mcg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Lutein + zeaxanthin (mcg) 0.0 47.533 47.533 570.396
Tocopherol, beta (mg) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Tocopherol, gamma (mg) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Tocopherol, delta (mg) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Vitamin C (mg) 4.3 20.7 24.9 298.8
Thiamin (mg) 0.304 0.037 0.342 4.104
Riboflavin (mg) 0.32 0.012 0.332 3.984
Niacin (mg) 5.98 0.165 6.145 73.74
Pantothenic acid (mg) 1.446 0.079 1.524 18.288
Vitamin B-6 (mg) 0.289 0.017 0.306 3.672
Folate (mcg) 19.781 12.4 32.181 386.172
Vitamin B-12 (mcg) 0.38 0.0 0.38 4.56
Choline (mg) 47.2 2.6 49.7 596.4
Folic acid (mcg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tryptophan (g) 0.213 0.0 0.213 2.556
Threonine (g) 0.715 0.004 0.719 8.628
Isoleucine (g) 0.822 0.004 0.826 9.912
Leucine (g) 1.369 0.004 1.374 16.488
Lysine (g) 1.385 0.004 1.389 16.668
Methionine (g) 0.441 0.0 0.441 5.292
Cystine (g) 0.274 0.004 0.278 3.336
Phenylalanine (g) 0.7 0.004 0.704 8.448
Tyrosine (g) 0.609 0.0 0.609 7.308
Valine (g) 0.867 0.004 0.871 10.452
Arginine (g) 1.172 0.021 1.192 14.304
Histidine (g) 0.426 0.0 0.426 5.112
Alanine (g) 1.187 0.008 1.195 14.34
Aspartic acid (g) 1.674 0.033 1.707 20.484
Glutamic acid (g) 2.602 0.012 2.614 31.368
Glycine (g) 1.415 0.004 1.419 17.028
Proline (g) 1.05 0.017 1.066 12.792
Serine (g) 0.746 0.004 0.75 9.0
Cholesterol (mg) 115.642 0.0 115.642 1387.704
Trans Fat (g) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Saturated Fat (g) 20.116 0.008 20.124 241.488
Phytosterols (mg) n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Monounsaturated Fat (g) 28.439 0.017 28.455 341.46
Polyunsaturated (g) 7.73 0.017 7.746 92.952