Receta Easy Creamy Spinach and Chicken Tartlets–Gluten Free
I swear I’m not obsessed….
actually, strike that. I am. I am totally obsessed!
But come on! How can you blame me?! Gluten Free folks don’t usually get adorable little appetizers. We get hummus….and veggies. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that)
A few nights ago I said to Parrish: I wonder if I could take my Chicken Crescents recipe and turn it in to a tartlet?
He turned to me and said: Were you not listening to me earlier?
…apparently he had suggested the same thing earlier. Umm…don’t try to talk to me while I’m on my google reader!
Anyway. Great minds think alike because these little babies are even better than my first round of tartlets!
Gluten Free Creamy Spinach Tartlets
make the tartlet shells according to the directions found here.
For the filling:
- 2-3 cups cooked chicken, shredded and diced small (see note)
- 2 packages cream cheese
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 bag frozen spinach
*Note: I often buy a rotisserie chicken to make this filling. You could also just bake or grill chicken. Either way, you just need the chicken pre-cooked and diced into very small bits.
Take one package of frozen spinach and place in a microwaveable bowl. Add 1/2 cup water and heat in the microwave for 3 minutes.
Place two packages cream cheese in a big mixing bowl. Take the hot spinach, squeeze out water using a spoon, and place on top of cream cheese.
The heat from the spinach will help the cream cheese mix easier. Add the garlic and mix well. (If you love garlic, add a few more minced cloves) Finally, add in the chicken. Mix well.
Spoon in one tbsp. filling into each tartlet shell.
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until the tartlet shell begins to brown.
Serve warm!
AND if you like, I suggest serving with a dollop of cranberry sauce on top!
I don’t know why this works, but there is something about cranberry sauce with this dish! Love it!
So there you have it! Creamy Spinach and Chicken Tartlets. Yes my friends. This is officially what I am preparing for my family’s annual Christmas Eve party.
I can’t wait to share them with everyone! Happy Tuesday!