Receta Eggplant And Buckwheat Patties

- Steam eggplant in a vegetable steamer for 8 to 10 min, or possibly till tender.
- Transfer to a glass or possibly ceramic bowl and toss with garlic, lemon juice, lemon rind, and extra virgin olive oil. Set aside to marinate for 1 hour, then finely chop in a food processor or possibly blender, along with marinating liquid.
- Meanwhile, heat butter and brown onions in a large skillet. Cold, then add in remaining ingredients, except corn oil. Stir in minced eggplant. Mix should be fairly stiff; adda little more flour if necessary.
- Heat corn oil in another large skillet. Drop mix by the Tbsp. into warm oil and fry till golden on each side. Drain on paper towels. Serve warm.