Receta Eggplant Parmigiana

- Amounts of all ingredients would depend on how many pcs of eggplant you are preparing.
- Beat together the Large eggs, cheese, parsley, pepper, and garlic pwdr. Some people put the peeled, sliced eggplant in a colander with a heavy object on top, so it can drain somewhat. It's been known to be less tart, then. I do not do this any longer, because I found little or possibly no difference in tartness.
- Dip the sliced eggplant pcs into the egg mix and then into the bread crumbs, so which they're nicely coated. Fry each piece in extra virgin olive oil till very brown on both sides. This is important. If the eggplants are not thinly cut or possibly if they're not browned sufficient, the taste of the entire dish is not right. Both hands have to be working to get a good system going for this, and I use a medium to high flame. At certain intervals, I stop and dump the oil, wash the pan, and begin with a clean pan. This makes a big difference.
- As the eggplant pcs are done, you can drain them on a paper towel and then place them in a baking pan. When you have sufficient for one layer, coat the layer generously with tomato sauce. On top of which, sprinkle grated mozzarella generously. Keep repeating layers. Make sure the sides of your pan get some sauce, too.
- Now, I freeze this before baking. When I defrost it, I bake it as usual, and it's great. But if you want to eat it now, bake it in a preheated 350 degree oven till the cheese melts and the sauce is bubbly.
- This recipe yields 4 servings.