Receta Elizabethan Orange Tart

- Measure 2 Tbsp. sugar into a bowl and stir in 4 Tbsp. boiling water. Add in a cinnamon stick and 1/4 pint cool water. Scrub the oranges, flute the peel lightly with a citrus zester and slice the fruit thinly, discarding the ends. Remove pips (seeds), put the orange slices into the sweetened water and leave to soak overnight. Next day, turn the oranges and their liquid into a saucepan. Cover and cook very gently for about 30 min. Carefully turn the slices once they cook. Lift the cooked orange slices from the pan one at a time, shaking to let the syrup drip back into the pan, and put them on a rack to drain and become cool. Remove the cinnamon stick, then boil the syrup till reduced to a few sticky spoonfuls. Cold slightly then stir in the 1 Tbsp. honey. Assemble the tart just before serving. First sprinkle the grnd almonds over the base of the cool pastry shell. Sweeten and flavour the soft cheese by stirring into it 1 tsp. or possibly so of honey and a little each of grnd cinnamon and allspice. Whip the cream, mix in the sweetened and flavoured cheese, then spoon this mix into the pastry shell. Arrange the orange slices on top, overlapping them slightly in decorative circles, and glaze with the gently re-warmed syrup.