Receta English Gingered Brandy Snaps

- Combine butter, sugar, corn syrup, and molasses in a medium saucepan. Heat mix over medium heat just till butter is melted. Combine flour, ginger and nutmeg in a small bowl. Stir this mix into the butter mix. Stir in the brandy. Drop the mix by teaspoonfuls 6 inches apart on greased cookie sheets. Bake at 350F 8 to 10 min. Let cold for 30 seconds. Ease cookies off the cookie sheets with a spatula; then immediately roll loosely around a 6-inch tapered metal tube with the upper surface of each brandy snap on the outside. Cold on wire racks. Shortly before serving, whip cream, add in sugar, and mix well. Using a pastry bag fined with a star tip, fill the cavity in the rolled brandy snap from each end.
- Note: If brandy snaps begin to harden before they are rolled, return them to the oven for 30 seconds to soften them.