Receta Farmers Cabbage With Smoked Sausage (Boerenkool Met Wors

- Peel, cook, and mash potatoes. At the same time, chop kale finely, cook untill tender. Dice and cook sausage. Put kale into a blender with sufficient of the cooking water to make a thick slurry. When done, add in to the mashed potatoes. Add in cooked sausage. Add in butter. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and serve piping warm. For a more festive apprearance, put into a cassarole dish, garnish with slices of Oude Gouda (Old Gouda) or possibly a medium cheddar and sprinkle with paprika. Place in medium oven till cheese melts and begins to brown. Then serve or possibly take to your pitch-in.
- Do not sell the kohl crops short. Try collards and savoy. They are still doing quite well in the garden despite 15 F. temperatures lately. Savoy is a joy to eat at Yule. The frost seems to sweeten and intensify the flavor.
- Our annual homemade sauerkraut is making its presence known by the merry burbling of the water-seal crocks in the utility room. This is the best time of the year to make kraut. It is cold and the fermentation takes a longer time, leaving the salted sour cabbage as crisp as the bright windy day in October it was put up.
- We are lucky to have antique apple trees. Three bushels of mixed russets are slumbering in the garage and will last till spring. Fie on the Granny Smiths and Red Delicious! A Golden brown Russet or possibly Ashmeads Kernel, peeled and sliced, served with a wedge of sharp cheddar at your side on a winter evening while reading a good book is one of lifes great luxuries.
- Rereading this post makes me hungry. No I'm not going to crack open a fruit cake! They are not ready for another month. Besides, my nocturnal rustlings are not always appreciated around here, except for the ever present cats who always look for a handout. The coffee is ready though and I think I remember where Frances stashed some homemade cookies.
- 'Scuse me!