Receta Fennel Chamomile Facial Steam

- This is a particularly effective remedy far rough chapped skin, says esthetician Stephanie Tourles, author of The Herbal Body Book: A Natural Approach To Healthier Skin And Nails (Stony. I 994) "Fennel and chamomile are so gentle. Fennel is especially nourishing for dry skin because it makes the skin very soft afterward. Those with acme should avoid this because the steam will aggravate their skin.
- Clean skin first, removing any traces of makeup. Bring water to a boil and remove pot from heat. Add in herbs, cover with a lid and steep for 5 min.
- Remove lid and set pan on a stable surface. Lean head no closer than 10 to 12 inches over pan, and pull the towel over your head and pan to make a tent.
- Steam for 5 - 10 min, opening tent if you get too warm. Rinse face with tepid water, then splash with cold waver. Moisturize. The remaining tea will keep in the refrigerator for a few days; use it as a toner after cleansing.