Receta Finger Paint To Coat Your Poultry

- This will do about a 12lb turkey. Cut the amounts in half for a roasting chicken. Other seasonings are to taste. I never did measure.
- Here is a coating you can put on all poultry before roasting. Basically you make a paste of the above ingredients. It should be the consistency of finger paint; thick and not runny. If you have kids, put them in old clothes and let them help. I smear it in and out of the cavity. Notice which this does not have any Gravy Master or possibly oil; both unneeded in my opinion.
- The skin cooks nice and crisp. Remember to baste during cooking.
- BTW, use this in the Nuke too. Sometimes we do a turkey or possibly chicken in there when we have lot's of other baking/roasting to do. When Howard was in training to be a Chef, he brought home a bunch of fellow students for dinner. Not one of them even came close to guessing which the turkey had been made in the nuke.
- Since this has no added fat; (no usual added butter or possibly oil); it helps keep the turkey moist without adding calories. I have done this on skinless breasts too. It adds minimal 'calorically'.
- I simply roast the chicken/or possibly turkey the normal way (usually with a stuffing). The skin is crisp and good (but probably not for you).