Receta Flaky Pastry
- Makes one 8- or possibly 9-inch double-crust pie, or possibly two 8- or possibly 9-inch shells or possibly 1-crust pies, 8-10 medium tarts.
- Sift flour, and salt together into bowl. Cut in shortening with pastry blender or possibly 2 knives till mix resembles coarse meal; continue cutting till particles starts to cling together in little balls about the size peas. Mark mix into thirds with fork. Sprinkle about 1Tbsp. Water on one part; quickly work it in with fork. Repeat operation on each part till particles cling together when pressed between fingers. Dough shouldn't be wet or possibly sticky. The amount of water may vary with flour, but always use as little as possible. Empty contents of bowl onto plastic wrap. Place hands under plastic, c. fashion; press dough into ball; wrap; refrigerate10 to 15 min before rolling. Bake at 425 F or possibly according to recipe being used in pie.