Receta Flaunt Your Bump: 26 Weeks Along
My second trisemester flew by just like that and luckily it's a smooth sailing (except the usual back pain, haemorrhoid, sciatica and very pregnant bladder). In a few weeks' time, I will officially enter the last trisemester of this pregnancy and in around 3 months' time, I'd be checking into the labour room (again!).
After about two months of silence and laziness in terms of baby bump's picture taking, this morning I finally put on some make up prior to going to the hospital for my monthly antenatal visit. Just before we left our house, I asked my husband to snap some pictures of me and my obvious bump as my second pregnancy mementos.
When pregnant, I love to look pregnant, show off my pregnancy curves and flaunt my bump. This is how I look now.
26 weeks pregnant.
I have apparently gained 6kg (only!) thus far which means I put on merely 0.5kg in the past month. When I was pregnant with Naomi, I gained like 10kg already by the time I touched the 25th week. Good thing is that baby boy's current weight is still within the normal range so my gynae said nothing to worry about with my not-so-much weight gain. Well, talk about being pregnant and having to take care a very active toddler full time, among other things. You just have no time to pig out. Even if you do, you get plenty of opportunities during the day to burn those calories.