Receta Flourless Chocolate Cake - Detailed Nutritional Facts

Nutritional information for the following ingredients is not included. Normally this is because the ingredient is unknown, the measurement is imprecise e.g. “to taste”, or the ingredient is optional).
1 cup caster sugar
Learn more about how we calculate nutritional information, and always consult a registered dietician or your physician before embarking on any diet plan which relies on these numbers, and for any other questions.
Amount Per Serving
8 servings in recipe
Total Per Serving Total for Recipe
Protein (g) 0.21 1.59 2.77 4.57 36.56
Total Fat (g) 20.28 9.88 2.19 32.35 258.8
Carbohydrates (g) 0.02 18.92 0.17 19.11 152.88
Ash (g) 0.53 0.54 0.19 1.26 10.08
Calories (kcal) 179.25 170.938 31.46 381.648 3053.184
Starch (g) n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Sucrose (g) n/a 13.95 0.02 13.98 111.84
Glucose (dextrose) (g) n/a 0.0 0.05 0.05 0.4
Fructose (g) n/a 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.16
Lactose (g) n/a 0.47 0.02 0.49 3.92
Maltose (g) n/a 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.16
Alcohol (g) 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0
Water (g) 3.97 0.31 16.68 20.96 167.68
Caffeine (mg) 0.0 14.688 0.0 14.688 117.504
Theobromine (mg) 0.0 160.938 0.0 160.938 1287.504
Sugars (g) 0.02 14.42 0.17 14.6 116.8
Galactose (g) n/a 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.16
Dietary Fiber (g) 0.0 2.3 0.0 2.3 18.4
Calcium (mg) 6.0 17.813 11.66 35.473 283.784
Iron (mg) 0.01 2.54 0.4 2.95 23.6
Magnesium (mg) 0.5 47.5 2.64 50.64 405.12
Phosphorus (mg) 6.0 66.875 42.02 114.895 919.16
Potassium (mg) 6.0 177.5 29.48 212.98 1703.84
Sodium (mg) 144.0 7.188 30.8 181.988 1455.904
Zinc (mg) 0.02 0.66 0.24 0.93 7.44
Copper (mg) 0.0 0.338 0.022 0.36 2.88
Manganese (mg) 0.0 0.45 0.009 0.459 3.672
Selenium (mcg) 0.3 1.1 7.0 8.3 66.4
Vitamin A, IU (IU) 624.75 15.313 107.14 747.203 5977.624
Retinol (mcg) 167.75 n/a 30.58 198.33 1586.64
Vitamin A, RAE (mcg_RAE) 171.0 0.625 30.8 202.425 1619.4
Beta Carotene (mcg) 39.5 7.813 2.2 49.513 396.104
Vitamin E (mg) 0.58 n/a 0.21 0.79 6.32
Vitamin D (IU) 14.0 n/a 7.7 21.7 173.6
Lycopene (mcg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Lutein + zeaxanthin (mcg) 0.0 9.688 72.82 82.508 660.064
Tocopherol, beta (mg) 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tocopherol, gamma (mg) 0.0 n/a 0.11 0.11 0.88
Tocopherol, delta (mg) 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0
Vitamin C (mg) 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0
Thiamin (mg) 0.003 0.009 0.015 0.027 0.216
Riboflavin (mg) 0.008 0.016 0.106 0.129 1.032
Niacin (mg) 0.01 0.234 0.015 0.26 2.08
Pantothenic acid (mg) 0.028 0.094 0.317 0.438 3.504
Vitamin B-6 (mg) 0.0 0.013 0.031 0.043 0.344
Folate (mcg) 0.75 0.0 10.34 11.09 88.72
Vitamin B-12 (mcg) 0.04 0.07 0.28 0.4 3.2
Choline (mg) 4.7 n/a 55.2 59.9 479.2
Folic acid (mcg) 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tryptophan (g) 0.003 n/a 0.037 0.04 0.32
Threonine (g) 0.01 n/a 0.123 0.133 1.064
Isoleucine (g) 0.013 n/a 0.147 0.16 1.28
Leucine (g) 0.02 n/a 0.24 0.26 2.08
Lysine (g) 0.018 n/a 0.2 0.218 1.744
Methionine (g) 0.005 n/a 0.084 0.089 0.712
Cystine (g) 0.003 n/a 0.059 0.062 0.496
Phenylalanine (g) 0.01 n/a 0.15 0.16 1.28
Tyrosine (g) 0.01 n/a 0.11 0.12 0.96
Valine (g) 0.015 n/a 0.189 0.204 1.632
Arginine (g) 0.008 n/a 0.18 0.188 1.504
Histidine (g) 0.005 n/a 0.068 0.073 0.584
Alanine (g) 0.008 n/a 0.163 0.17 1.36
Aspartic acid (g) 0.015 n/a 0.293 0.308 2.464
Glutamic acid (g) 0.045 n/a 0.37 0.415 3.32
Glycine (g) 0.005 n/a 0.095 0.1 0.8
Proline (g) 0.02 n/a 0.112 0.132 1.056
Serine (g) 0.013 n/a 0.213 0.226 1.808
Cholesterol (mg) 53.75 2.188 93.06 148.998 1191.984
Trans Fat (g) n/a 0.034 n/a 0.034 0.272
Saturated Fat (g) 12.843 5.934 0.682 19.459 155.672
Phytosterols (mg) n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Monounsaturated Fat (g) 5.255 3.063 0.838 9.156 73.248
Polyunsaturated (g) 0.76 0.347 0.299 1.406 11.248