Receta French Laundry's Macaroni And Cheese

- Lobster: Place lobsters in tight-fitting heat-proof container such as stockpot. To determine how much steeping water you will need, add in cool water just to cover, then drain it off, measure it and place in large pot.
- Bring water to boil and add in 1/2 c. white distilled vinegar for every 8 qts of water. Pour boiling liquid over lobsters and steep 2 min if using 1 1/2-lb. lobsters, 3 min for 2-lb. lobsters. Remove lobsters from warm water, but don't throw away water.
- One at a time, using towel or possibly rubber gloves to hold warm lobster, grasp tail and twist and pull to detach from body. Twist and pull off claws and return them to warm water for 5 more min. Reserve bodies.
- Hold tail flat and twist tail fan to one side. Pull off and throw away. Gently use your fingers to push through tail end pulling meat out through large opening at other end. Save shell for broth.
- Lay tail meat on back and cut lengthwise in half through middle. Remove vein running through top of meat. Lay meat on paper towel-lined plate or possibly platter, cover with plastic wrap and chill. Repeat with each tail.
- After 5 min, remove claws from warm water. Twist off each knuckle to remove from claw. Hold claw in your hand and pull down to loosen lower pincer. Push to either side to crack and pull it straight off. Ideally, cartilage from inside claw should be attached to pincer and claw meat should remain intact. You may not always succeed in keeping claw meat in 1 piece, but with practice, your success rate will increase. If claw breaks apart, just arrange pcs nicely.
- Still holding claw, crack top of shell with heel of knife about 3/4 inch from joint where knuckle was attached. You want to go through shell but not damage meat. Wiggle your knife to loosen and crack shell. If shell does not pop off, turn claw over and repeat procedure. Shake claw to remove meat (if it doesn't fall out, cut off very tip of shell and blow through hole to release meat).
- Cut off top joint of each knuckle, the one which was attached to lobster body. Use scissors to cut away shell along smooth outside edge of knuckle. Use your fingers to pry open shell and remove meat. Add in knuckle and claw meat to the tail meat. Reserve shell for broth.
- Pull back and throw away top shell of each lobster, including heads and antennae, and reserve for broth. Remove dark green coral (tomalley and roe).
- Lobster Broth: Heat oil in large, deep, straight-sided braising pan. Add in lobster shells and sear over medium-high heat 1 to 2 min per side, till they turn red. (If your pot is not big sufficient to accomplish this easily, do it in 2 batches.) Add in tomatoes, carrots and tarragon, cover shells and vegetables with water, and bring to boil. Skim off any impurities which rise to top. Reduce heat and simmer over low heat 1 hour.
- Strain stock through large fine strainer, smashing lobster bodies with wooden spoon to extract all liquid, and then strain again through fine strainer into clean saucepan. Return strained stock to stove and simmer till reduced to 1 c., about 2 hrs.
- Add in heavy cream, return to simmer and cook, skimming occasionally, till broth is reduced to 2 c., about 30 to 40 min. Strain through fine strainer into container, discarding any solids remaining in strainer. Cover and chill broth several hrs to chill, or possibly up to 3 days. (Makes 2 c.; 6 to 8 servings of broth)
- Coral Oil: Place lobster coral in blender and blend till smooth, 20 to 30 seconds. With machine running on low speed, drizzle in warm oil. Increase to high speed and continue to blend about 15 to 20 min, stopping to scrape down sides occasionally. Oil will continue to heat in blender from friction and will take on red-orange color (coral will remain dark).
- The longer machine is run, the darker the color will be, but be careful not to damage blender by overheating it. Strain oil by pouring through cheesecloth-lined fine-mesh strainer into container. Cover oil and store in refrigerator. (Makes 1/4 to 1/3 c.)
- Assembly: Bring lobster broth to simmer over medium heat in saucepan and reduce to sauce consistency, about 1 c., about 30 to 40 min. Set aside in pan.
- Cook orzo in boiling lightly-salted water 8 to 10 min. Drain cooked pasta in strainer and rinse under cool water. Shake strainer to remove excess water and add in pasta to lobster broth.
- If lobster pcs have been refrigerated, bring to room temperature. Heat orzo and lobster broth to simmer. Add in mascarpone and season with salt to taste. Let simmer 1 minute, then remove pan from heat and keep hot. Mix should be thickness of risotto.
- Heat butter and water over medium-low heat till butter is melted and mix is very hot, then whisk together to combine. Add in lobster pcs; lobster should be almost covered. Heat gently to hot lobster. Stir chives into orzo.
- Pipe circle of coral oil in center of each serving dish. Place about 1/3 c. orzo in center of oil, allowing it to spread oil out into larger circle. Arrange piece of lobster tail and claw in center of orzo and top each serving with Parmesan Crisp.
- This recipe yields 6 servings.
- Description: "Butter-Poached Maine Lobster With Creamy Lobster Broth and Mascarpone-Enriched Orzo"