Receta French Toast Rolls
Ferrero, owner and founder of the Ferrero Company from the Piedmont district of
Italy, invented the spread. Ferrero originally began adding hazelnuts to
chocolate during WWII when cocoa was being rationed. Hazelnuts were plentiful
in the Piedmont area, and they helped to stretch the amount of cocoa Ferrero
was allotted during rationing.
was a hit with children, for obvious reasons. Adults also loved that the tasty
treat was less expensive than pure chocolate. Italian markets caught on to the
popularity, and began offering children a “smearing.” This meant that kids
could show up at their local food store with a slice of bread and have it
“smeared” in Nutella.
families enjoyed Nutella as a breakfast and snack food for more than 40 years
before it was introduced to the United States. In 1983, Nutella was imported
from Italy to the United States for the first time, and it is now available
worldwide. While there’s no denying that we love Nutella in America, it’s more
popular throughout Europe. In French and Italian grocery stores, there are
entire sections dedicated to Nutella, with nearly every variety of jar you can
imagine, from snack size to king size.
this recipe for French Toast Rolls. One of many ways to enjoy bread.
Toast Rolls
2013, Christine’s Pantry. All rights reserved.
slices bread
- tablespoons butter
- 2
- eggs
- 1/2
- cup sugar
- 1
- teaspoon cinnamon
the crust from bread. Using your clean hands, slightly flatten each slice of
bread. Add 1 teaspoon of nutella on each slice of bread. Roll each slice of
bread. Set aside until you finish each slice.
a bowl, whisk eggs. In another bowl, combine sugar and cinnamon.
a skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Soak bread in eggs, add to hot
skillet, and cook until golden brown. Then roll in sugar and cinnamon mixture.