Receta Friday’s Food Quiz Number 80
Last weekend I saw that Pink had posted a quiz. I got the notification in my RSS reader but due to time constraints I was unable to take part. The answers have already been posted so I have been averting my eyes away from my reader so that I could give my answers first.
What does pomegranate mean? I have no idea, but I am sure it is related to the fact that pomegranates are used as a colouring as in for the making of grenadine.
Where is Torta Pasqualina traditionally served on Easter Friday? Italy
Where is Mazurek cake traditionally served over Easter? Poland
- What are the main ingredients of mayiritsa, a Greek Easter soup? lamb
- What is the main ingredient of a Pilaf? rice
- What are quenellas? a dumpling
- What is traditionally served on top of “steak tartare”? an egg
What is the difference between a bouchée and a vol-au-vent? a bouchée is a small pastry case served with a savoury filling. A vol-au-vent can is also a small pastry case, but it can be served with either a savoury or a sweet filling.
When is Babka traditionally served? Easter Sunday
What is “kokkina avga”? a dyed Easter egg
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About Tandy
I am a foodie who is passionate about regional and seasonal produce. I live in a cottage by the sea with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.