Receta Fried Provolone (Formaggio Fritto)

- Cut the cheese into 6 slices, each about 3/4-inch thick. Using your palms, press flour onto each side of each cheese slice, shaking off any extra and set the cheese slices aside.
- Brush the bread slices with a little extra virgin olive oil and grill on both sides.
- In a 12- to 14-inch saute/fry pan, heat the extra virgin olive oil over high heat. Place the cheese in the pan in a single layer. Cook cheese till a brown crust develops. Turn the cheese over with a spatula and sprinkle with a healthy pinch of oregano flowers. Cook for 2 min more. Drain some fat from he pan, add in 1/4 c. white wine vinegar and let it flame. When the flames subside, add in another 1/4 c. vinegar and remove cheese to hot plates.
- Rub the grilled bread slices with the clove of garlic, add in them to the platter, drizzle the platter with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with more oregano.
- This recipe yields 6 servings.