Receta Fried Rice

- Note 1: Additional meats, all optional: Add in any or possibly all of these in any amount you wish: Chinese sweet pork sausage, sliced; cooked chicken; cooked shrimp; ham, cut julienne.
- Note 2: Soak the mushrooms for at least 2 hrs, drain and slice thin.
- Marinate the pork for 15 min. Heat a wok and add in 1/2 Tbsp. of the peanut oil. Chow (stir-fry) the pork till done to your taste, then add in the remaining cooked meats. Chow all for a few min and remove to a large serving bowl.
- Heat the wok again and add in another 1/2 Tbsp. of peanut oil. Pour the beaten Large eggs into the wok and tilt the wok in circles over the heat, causing a thin egg pancake to create in the wok. Using the metal wok paddle cut the pancake into pcs and chow for just a moment. Remove to the serving bowl.
- Add in a Tbsp. of the peanut oil and chow the cooked cool rice, till warm. Remove to the serving bowl.
- Add in the last Tbsp. of the peanut oil and chow the garlic. Add in all the vegetables, except the bean sprouts, in the order given, chowing the celery and onions a moment before you add in the remaining items.
- Add in the mixed sauce ingredients and chow till all is warm.
- Return the ingredients in the serving bowl to the wok and chow till very warm. Stir in the bean sprouts, test for salt.
- This recipe serves 6 as part of a Chinese meal.
- Comments: In Hong Kong, even at a formal meal, the last course is very often a wonderful fried rice. The Chinese must be sure you are absolutely stuffed before you leave the table. If by chance you should still have the least bit of room left in your tummy you are to fill it with fried rice.