Hurray it's that time of the year again! It's carnival, so it's time to make those addictive deep fried, gorgeous cakes.
Every year for me has become a tradition now. It cannot pass February without making frittelle. Every region of Italy calls them differently but in the end they are all very similar. I get instantly transported back to when, as a child I used to come back from school and I could smell the cakes being fried in the courtyard. My mother and my grandmother would make huge batches of them and invite all the relatives to eat and distribute them around the neighbours. What a fiest that was. I was filled with joy at seeing them chainworking (wish I had taken a picture back then!). And it is with the same joy that I make them for my own children now and let's face it for myself too!
There are different types of carnival cakes. All of them are deep fried. Frittelle are very straightforward and don't take that long to make.