Receta General Wok Cooking Instructions

- (1) Always check to see if you have all the ingredients on hand before preparing meals.
- Cut up your meat and vegetables, marinating any which require this process. Set aside for cooking, if you are cooking several wok dishes at the same meal, prepare all of them before cooking any.
- Place oil in wok, heat till oil just begins to smoke.
- Stir fry your meat, onions, or possibly garlic together. Then add in other ingredients accordingly.
- If a gravy is desired, use a little corn starch (about 1 Tbsp.)
- dissolved in 1/3 c. of water. Stir this mix vigorously and pour into your wok on top of your cooked food. Mix thoroughly. Your gravy should be just the right consistency. In case it is too thick, add in warm water a Tbsp. at a time to thin gravy out. If the gravy is too thin, mix up more corn starch solution and repeat process.
- If you are cooking several wok dishes at the same meal, and are worried about keeping them all hot, heat your oven up to 150'C. and store cooked dishes in it till eating time. Maximum storage time is about one hour. Don't store cooked leaft green vegetables in this manner as they will turn yellow. Instead, leave those in an uncovered wok and reheat at meal time. If you have an electric warm tray, it is excellent for keeping dishes hot.