Receta Germs of Endearment
by Chelsea Day • Apr 2, 2013 Our posts feature partner companies.
Germs of Endearment
As parents and homeowners, many of us get in the habit of making up cute words to address the not-so-pleasant situations we face. Ever experienced an Apoocalypse? Anyone who’s dealt with a diaper blow-out knows exactly what I’m talking about. Have you played Leftover Roulette? What is in that old styrofoam box in the back of your refrigerator, anyway? Maybe you’ve started engaging in Spillates to reach those suspicious stains under your countertops or coaxed a few Petrifries from between your toddler’s high chair cushions. Clorox recently approached some bloggers like us to write sponsored posts and highlight our own terms in what they call the “Ick-tionary” for a hilarious look at the many messes in our lives. Learn the new language of mess, get a coupon for 75 cents off any Clorox product, play games and even submit your own words, as well as getting some tips for how to clean up all that ick!
I know you’re dying to hear what we came up with, right?
Dipapointment: A feeling of dissatisfaction that
follows after accidentally splattering homemade
nacho dip all over the kitchen.
Cooking can be tiring, and it never fails that our biggest messes are made with our biggest masterpieces. After slaving long hours to get the perfect combination of ingredients, THIS is the time that the giant German Shepherd decides to come barreling through the kitchen. I’ll never forget the time my mom showed up to Thanksgiving with a bunch of upside-down pies that had gone topsy-turvy in the car ride. My rule: it doesn’t have to be pretty, as long as it’s edible! And the five-second rule reigns in our household, with a LOT of leeway on the timing.
Peedicament: The situation parents find
themselves in after discovering that their
toddler’s been peeing in the sock drawer.
Oma tells this hilarious story about the time she found Nate proudly poised and peeing all over her bed. I have the clearest vision of him grinning and pretending to be a firefighter with his…uh…hose. What is it with boys and their toys?
Have your own homemade horror stories to share? Come and commiserate! Offer up your own words of and read what everyone else has to say at You can also “like” them on Facebook to join the discussion!