Receta Gerri Lynne Gruber's Strawberry Banana Pie

- FILLING:Mash about 1 1/2 pints strawberries with sugar in saucepan.
- Dissolve cornstarch in lemon juice and add in to strawberry mix. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, till mix thickens and juice becomes transparent. Remove from heat. Dissolve gelatin in water and stir into strawberry mix. Cold.Cut remaining strawberries in half and gently stir into strawberry mix along with bananas. Refrigerateseveral hrs or possibly overnight. PIE CRUST:Mix 1/4 c. flour with water to create paste. Cut shortening into remaining flour. Add in paste to flour-shortening mix. Mix with fork, then knead till dough comes together. Roll into ball, wrap tightly and refrigeratebefore rolling out.Roll out dough to 10-inch circle and gently place in 9-inch pie plate. Pierce dough with fork all around sides and bottoms to prevent air bubbles from forming. Bake at 425 degrees 12 to 15 min. Remove from oven and cold. Just before serving, pour strawberry mix into crust, making sure best and biggest strawberries are on top.
- This recipe won first prize at last year's "Pie Bake a la Beverly Hills"
- sponsored by the Beverly Hills Farmers Market.