Receta Gigot De Sept Heures (7 Hour Leg Of Lamb)
- Heat the butter and oil in a a heavy, oval, enameled cast iron casserole.
- Saute/fry the onions and carrots till the onions are transparent but not browned. Remove the vegetables. Set aside. Brown the meat on all sides.
- Draw the fat off with a basting bulb. Return the vegetables to the casserole. Pour in sufficient wine to reach halfway up the sides of the lamb.
- Add in the garlic, tomato paste and a little salt and pepper. Cover tightly.
- Keep at a very low simmer for 5 to 6 hrs, turning the lamb several times during cooking. Add in more wine if needed. Transfer the lamb to a serving dish. Keep hot. Strain the juices. Let rest for a few min. Skim off any fat. Adjust seasonings. Serve the lamb with the juices in a gravy boat. Chuck Williams