Receta Gingered Chicken Legs

- Wash the chicken legs and set aside. Mix together thoroughly all the other ingredients except the water and cornstarch. Preheat a baking dish for 4 min in the microwave. Arrange the chicken legs in the dish, drizzle the mixed ingredients over the chicken, and heat in the microwave 16 min.
- Remove the chicken legs from the dish and arrange on a serving platter. Mix the water and cornstarch into the sauce remaining from heating the chicken legs. Heat for 30 seconds in the microwave, drizzle the sauce over the chicken legs, and serve.
- Note: I prefer baking the chicken legs in a toaster oven! I cover with foil for the first part of the heating (at about 375-400 degrees) and remove the foil towards the end for gentle browning.
- Baste occasionally during the baking. Serve with steamed white rice.