Receta Grandpa Z's Christmas Eve Hamballs

- Glaze: Bring to a full, rapid boil.
- Mix hamball ingredients together with hands. Form into 2 inch small egg size balls by squeezing tightly 4 times into shape. Place hamballs, side by side, in a glass/enamel baking dish. Pour the boiled glaze mix over the hamballs, covering each one by spoon if necessary. Cover loosely with foil (do not seal edges around pan).
- Bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/2 hrs. 45 min on first side; turn each hamball over. Spoon glaze over hamballs again. Bake 45 min on second side. During the last 30 min, remove foil and periodically spoon glaze mix over the hamballs. Serves 6-8 people, 6-10 hamballs/person. Traditionally served with German potato salad and baked beans.